University of Illinois at Chicago & Spacebot Capstone Project Presentation

• Gowatham Kumar, UIC Student • Jigyasa Sachdeva, UIC Student • Meher Phani Ujwala Ambarkhana, UIC Student • Rachana Manjuath, UIC Student • Dave Turner, Co-Founder at Spacebot • Angelo Garetto, Product Manager at Spacebot • Robert Wildeman, Lead University Partnerships and Development

On May 7, 2021, The Chicago Connectory hosted the virtual UIC Spacebot Capstone Final Presentation. Over the past few months, Chicago Connectory member, Spacebot and students at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) collaborated on their Capstone Project.


About the project: Students were asked to develop a web based 3D map of the Chicago Connectory space. The 3D map will help users and members from around the world visualize the area. In addition, the students utilized Spacebot sensors to analyze “dynamic parameters” such as: occupancy, cleanliness of the area, noise levels and more.


The 3D map displays each room located in the space, sorted by color. When the mouse hovers over a room, the map shows the occupancy and last time it was cleaned. This is extremely helpful to our members because they are able to plan ahead, and also give a level of safety during these times. The students presented their findings, solutions and observations. Thank you to the students and the Spacebot team for all your hard work! We are excited to share the 3D map with our community. We look forward to more university projects like this!

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