Smart Manufacturing and Industrie 4.0 Event Recap

On Tuesday, November 13, the Chicago Connectory hosted the Smart Manufacturing and Industrie 4.0 event where Germany-based and US-based smart manufacturing experts came together to provide keynote presentations, panel discussions and networking opportunities. This event was organized by EIT Digital and took place within the “Year of German-American Friendship,” which is a collaborative initiative that […]
Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) Reception

On Wednesday, Nov. 14, the Chicago Connectory welcomed the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) as they hosted a reception for their community and the public to attend. CNT is an organization that delivers game-changing research, tools and solutions to create sustainable + equitable communities. The evening began with cocktails, hor d’oeuvres and networking as guests […]
The Chicago Connectory Hosts the 2018 Bosch North America Regional Supplier Awards

On Monday, Nov. 12, the Chicago Connectory hosted the 2018 Bosch North America Regional Supplier Awards. These ceremonies were held in various locations worldwide, each focusing on a different region. The ceremony at the Chicago Connectory celebrated Bosch’s best suppliers throughout the last two years in North America. Awards were given in the categories of […]